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USCG Auxiliary History

USCG Auxiliary North Star Flotilla History

For over 60 years, tens-of-thousands of men and women of the Coast Guard Auxiliary have spent millions of volunteer hours helping the Coast Guard carry out its mission. They have saved countless lives through their work, on and off the water. Auxiliarists are probably best known for educating the public through their boating safety classes and Courtesy Marine Examinations. Yet, they do much more and will be doing even more following passage of the Coast Guard Authorization Act of 1996. The purpose of the Act, passed Oct. 19, is to assist the Coast Guard, as authorized by the Commandant, in performance of any Coast Guard function, duty, role, mission or operation authorized by law. This story hopefully will give you a broad knowledge of the Auxiliary, especially since reservists will be working with Auxiliarists even more in the future, as they become an increasingly important component in the Team Coast Guard line-up.

When the Coast Guard "Reserve" was authorized by act of Congress on June 23, 1939, the Coast Guard was given a legislative mandate to use civilian volunteers to promote safety on and over the high seas and the nation's navigable waters. The Coast Guard Reserve was then a non-military service comprised of unpaid, volunteer U.S. citizens who owned motorboats or yachts.

Two years later, on Feb. 19, Congress amended the 1939 act with passage of the Auxiliary and Reserve Act of 1941. Passage of this act designated the Reserve as a military branch of the active service, while the civilian volunteers, formerly referred to as the Coast Guard Reserve, became the Auxiliary. So, Feb. 19 is formally recognized as the birth of the Coast Guard Reserve while June 23 is recognized as birthday of the Coast Guard Auxiliary. When America entered World War II, 50,000 Auxiliary m embers joined the war effort. Some Auxiliarists served weeks at a time with the Temporary Reserve. They guarded waterfronts, carried out coastal picket patrols, rescued survivors from scuttled ships and did anything else they were asked to do. Many of their private vessels were aced in service.

After the war, Auxiliarists resumed their recreational boating safety duties. The Auxiliary's four cornerstones - Vessel Examination, Education, Operations and Fellowship - were established and remain the Auxiliary's pillars in the 1990s.

The Vessel Examination program evolved into the known Courtesy Marine Examination (CME), a free examination available to any recreational boater. CME's help boaters ensure their craft complies with Federal regulations.

As for education, the Auxiliary teaches boating safety to recreational boaters of all ages. The Auxiliary offers Boating Skills and Seamanship (geared toward power boaters) and Sailing and Seamanship (for sail boaters) as well as basic and advanced navigation courses.

The Auxiliary operates safety and regatta patrols and is an integral part of the Coast Guard Search and Rescue team. Auxiliarists also stand communication watches, assist during mobilization exercises, perform harbor and pollution patrols, provide platforms for unarmed boarding parties and recruit new people for the Service. During Olympic yachting events in Savannah, Ga. the Coast Guard Auxiliary had 29 boats and a CG Auxiliary aircraft on hand for security operations.

Today, as in 1939, Auxiliarists are civilian volunteers who are authorized to wear a uniform similar to the Coast Guard officer's uniform. Distinctive emblems, buttons, insignias, and ribbons are employed to identify the wearer as a member of the Auxiliary. One such insignia is the letter "A" on the shoulder boards of an Auxiliarist. Despite their silver shoulder boards (versus gold for Coast Guard officers), Auxiliarists hold no rank. The shoulder boards symbolize the office and level to which an individual Auxiliarist has been either appointed or elected.

The Auxiliary has members in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and Guam. Membership is open to men and women, 17 years or older, U.S. citizens of all states and territories, civilians or active duty or former members of any of the uniformed services and their Reserve components, including the Coast Guard. Facility (radio station, boat or aircraft) ownership is desirable but not mandatory.

Although under the authority of the Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, the Auxiliary is internally autonomous, operating on four organizational levels: Flotilla, Division, District Regions and National.

Flotilla - The Flotilla is the basic organizational unit of the Auxiliary and is comprised of at least 15 qualified members who carry out Auxiliary program activities. Every Auxiliarist is a member of a local flotilla. Each flotilla is headed by a Flotilla Commander (FC).

Division - For maximum administrative effectiveness in carrying out Auxiliary programs, Flotillas in the same general geographic area are grouped into divisions. The division provides administrative, training and supervisory support to Flotillas and promotes district policy. Each division is headed by a Division Commander (DCR), and Division Vice Commander (DVCR) and usually consists of five or more Flotillas.

District/Region - Flotillas and divisions are organized in districts comparable to the Coast Guard Districts and must be assigned the same district number. Some Districts are further divided into regions. The District/Region provides administrative and supervisory support to divisions, promotes policies of both the district commander and national Auxiliary committee. All districts and regions are governed by a District Commodore (DCO), District Vice Commodore (VCO), and District Rear Commodore (RCO), under the guidance of the Coast Guard District Commander. At this level, Coast Guard officers are assigned to oversee and promote the Auxiliary programs.

National - The Auxiliary has national officers who are responsible, along with the Commandant, for the administration and policy making for the entire Auxiliary. These officers comprise the National Executive Committee (NEXCOM) that is composed of the Chief Director of Auxiliary (an Active Duty officer), National Commodore and the National Vice Commodores.

NEXCOM and National Staff: make up the Auxiliary Headquarters organization. The Chief Director is a senior Coast Guard officer and directs the administration of the Auxiliary on policies established by the Commandant. The overall supervision of the Coast Guard Auxiliary is under the Assistant Commandant for Operations (G-O), who reports directly to the Commandant. Auxiliarists are dedicated civilians who believe strongly in the Coast Guard and its missions. A hearty thank you is the only pay an Auxiliarist expects. Personally, they receive tremendous satisfaction for a job well done. They have proven valiant throughout the years and take the oath of membership seriously. They contribute immeasurably to our Team Coast Guard efforts.


USCG Auxiliary North Star Flotilla History

            North Star Flotilla was founded by Nick Butziger, the first Flotilla Commander, in 1972. Cdr. Jack Curry, Director of Auxiliary First District told Nick it would take a year to charter a new flotilla, and Nick told him we would be ready in 30 days. One month later we were in the restaurant at Masthead Marina with an amazed Cdr. Curry leading our Chartering Ceremony.

            Original members were mostly teachers, and we started our first PEC a week after becoming a flotilla.  Within three months after we were formed, our meeting place –the Masthead Marina restaurant- was unavailable, and we were without a place to gather.  The owner of Masthead Marina donated a piece of land to us on the water, Gen. Bruce Johnson donated funds, and all the members proceeded to build our headquarters, with materials donated at cost from Berger lumber, Campenella and Cardi, Cay Electric and many others.

            We needed the foundation dug so Nick called a backhoe operator and persuaded him to come dig for free. In the next week forms were placed, again for free, and concreted was poured.  Nick did the surveying, and the next week all members came down to put up floor, walls, roof trusses etc.  That Saturday we had two boats out on patrol while the rest of the members did the roofing.  We finished all this before the next meeting and never missed a beat.

            In the 40 plus years since, we have done countless safety patrols, towed in many stranded boats, educated well over 1500 boaters, presented member classes and hands-on training, stood watch at Boston Light, verified positions of hundreds of aids to navigation, done regatta patrols, checked on bridge lights, done hundreds of vessel safety checks, chart updating, attended planning meetings, work parties, presented workshops at the District level, hosted Safe Boating Day events, and stood watch at boat shows.

            Fellowship is an important cornerstone of the Auxiliary, and it is one we do not neglect.  At our 25th anniversary dinner, the Division Captain said, “I usually have to tell flotillas to take some time for fun, but North Star Flotilla invented fun!”  That may be true.  We have had card parties, dance classes, dinner theater, many Oktoberfests in costume with dancing and live music, seal watch, hayrides with dinner and campfire.  We even provided the entertainment at a District Conference. On the water we have had rendezvous on Patience Island, Potter Cove, East Bay Yacht Basin, Montauk, NY, and Block Island. We even had one rendezvous where we had a surprise wedding!  Bill and Nancy Mende got married on our rendezvous to Block Island years ago.  We hosted the Division on several Changes of Watch at the historic Varnum Armory where we took them all on a historic scavenger hunt and cut the cake with an antique sword.  At our monthly meetings we have cookouts, ice cream socials, chowder dinners, and Pot Luck Suppers.

            In service, training, fellowship and fun, we are proud to be members of this unique North Star Flotilla.

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