Elected Staff Officers John Merrill - Flotilla Commander Maryanne Moran- Flotilla Vice Commander Charlie Jenison - Immediate Past Flotilla Commander
Appointed Flotilla Staff Offices Flotilla Staff Officers - Job Descriptions and Personnel Navigation Services: Responsible for all activities dealing with navigational aids, verification of Aids to Navigation, reporting of discrepancies in aids to navigation, chart discrepancies and chart updating information.. Encourage all members to become involved.
Marine Safety: Oversee all matters pertaining to the flotilla's role in the Auxiliary Marine Safety and Environmental Protection activity, and keep the Flotilla Commander and members informed of all developments in this area. Be familiar with the contents of the various publications and directives pertaining to Auxiliary Marine Safety and Environmental Protection efforts and educate flotilla members about this.
Communications: Oversee all matters pertaining to the flotilla's role in the exercise staff responsibility and supervision over all matters pertaining to flotilla communications and keep all members informed of all developments in this area. This officer will maintain close liaison with the Division Staff Officer of Communications (SO-CM) and will work closely with both flotilla and division operations officers and members providing communications facility and/or operational facility support and training. The FSO-CM will ensure that every activation of an Auxiliary Radio Facility is under Coast Guard orders and will inspect all flotilla land and land mobile radio facilities is qualified as a Communications Specialist.
Communications Services: Oversee electronic communication services for the flotilla. Maintain the flotilla website that is in full compliance with Auxiliary web policies. Encourage and facilitate the use of electronic communication throughout the flotilla. Coordinate and cooperate with the FSO-PB and FSO-PA to ensure that both electronic and printed media are used to their fullest extent in providing information to the membership and to the boating public.
Finance: Supervise all financial matters; maintain complete and understandable records of all financial transactions; maintain an annual budget; ensure that an annual unit audit is performed. Maintain the separate account for North Star Inc.
Information Systems: Maintain a system to record all member activity in each mission category (i.e., Operations, VE, Public Education, Member Training, AIM Project, etc.) and supervise reporting to higher Auxiliary levels and the individual members. Maintain a current spreadsheet of member’s info (separate from auxdata).
Program Visitor: Make courtesy calls on area marine retailers who deal with boaters to provide available materials and information. Procure training aids for PE & Flotilla classes. Elicit the help of dealers to promote our PE classes.
Materials: Maintain an inventory of current Auxiliary forms & literature, assist units and members in ordering educational materials, uniforms items, etc. Keep the Materials at the Headquarters organized, filed and inventoried.
Member Training: Encourages a continuous program of training activities to provide members a higher level of knowledge in subjects relating to Auxiliary programs and qualifications.
Operations: Coordinating patrols. Ensure that such activities are performed under current Coast Guard policy. Try to get every member out on at least 1 patrol each year. Keep members informed as to what is needed to maintain their Qualifications. Assign crew for training to vessels.
Human Resources: Develop and implement programs and activities designed to retain members with particular emphasis to contacting members who are drifting into inactivity by failing to attend meetings or by not actively participating in one or more programs. Look for symptoms of potential drop-out: missed meetings, no VSC, OP, or PE activity. Contact these members directly and try to involve them in any of the cornerstones or other programs, or in training beyond BQ. Oversee new members in the joining process.
Public Affairs: Develop and direct media activities of obtain publicity for our Auxiliary unit. Oversee the Press Releases for our PE Classes or VE Day events.
Public Education: Responsible for scheduling, organization, and conduct of all public education classes and activities. Try to generate one or two lesson classes in GPS or Electronic Nav. as well as our standard PE classes. Try to involve all members in the PE Program.
Secretary/Records: Record and publish minutes of meetings; maintain mailing lists, rosters, and current copy of the standing rules.
Social Coordinator: provide the Fellowship Cornerstone by overseeing our social events. Help develop the quarterly calendar with the FC for presentation to the membership.
Diversity: Will ensure that the Strategic Plan for Managing Diversity is carried out and work to drive diversity to all members throughout the Flotilla.
Examinations: Oversee and coordinate the Boating Safety
Equipment Examination program and work with the FSO-PV Marine Dealer
Visitor Officer to help educate the boating public about required
safety equipment. If directed, schedule specific vessel examination
stations and activities. Encourage members to become involved in the VSC Program. Distribute materials (check-off sheets &
Auxiliary Sea Scout: Establish and sustain supportive working relationships with the Sea Scouts, Parents, Sea Scout Leadership and Auxiliary leaders and program managers involved with the AUXSCOUT program as executed by the USCG Auxiliary.